Bouguereau Notes

Topic List General Comments Where to find in the book… Virgil’s Assessment: Bouguereau changed the way he worked sometime around 1867-1870, and the work he did from that point until around 1900 has the characteristics most often associated with him today, His use of high chroma was limited to accents in well-orchestrated color ensembles involving […]
Varnishing: Best Practices

Learn the best practices for applying varnishes on your traditional oil paintings

Topics including glossary, health and safety, troubleshooting

Preparations, Direct and Indirect Painting, Masters of Technique, Varnishing

Brushes, Grounds, Mediums, Paints, Pigments, Sizes, Solvent, and Varnishes

A glossary of common terms used in describing the materials and techniques of traditional oil painting
Masters of Technique

Including Rembrandt, Vermeer, Bouguereau, and Sargent
Direct Painting

Including Alla Prima or Premier Coup
Indirect Painting

Including Flemish and Venetian techniques, and French Academic painting

Includes stretching, sizing, priming, toning